#!/bin/sh ##---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Debian 7.0 bootstrap0.sh ## Initialize system and install all prerequisites to NOC ##---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Copyright (C) 2007-2013 The NOC Project ## See LICENSE for details ##---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## ## Helper functions definitions ## PROGNAME=`basename $0` error_exit ( ) { echo "$PROGNAME: ${1:-'Unknown error'}" 1>&2 echo "Terminating" 1>&2 exit 1 } info ( ) { echo $1 1>&2 } aptinstall ( ) { info "Installing $1" apt-get install -y $1 || error_exit "Failed to install $1" } ## ## Check locale settings ## locale -a 2>&1 | grep -c locale: > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then info "Invalid locale settings!" info "Please fix locale settings:" info "> apt-get install locales" info "> dpkg-reconfigure locales" info "Terminating" exit 1 fi ## ## Append additional repositories ## apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 7F0CEB10 || error_exit "Failed to install MongoDB Public GPG Key" echo 'deb http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org/repo/debian-sysvinit dist 10gen' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb.list ## ## Update base system ## info "Updating base system" apt-get update -y || error_exit "Failed to run: apt-get: update" apt-get upgrade -y || error_exit "Failed to run: apt-get upgrade" apt-get dist-upgrade -y || error_exit "Failed to run: apt-get dist-upgrade" ## ## Create NOC user and group ## info "Create group 'noc'" grep -e ^noc: /etc/group if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then groupadd noc fi info "Create user 'noc'" grep -e ^noc: /etc/passwd if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then useradd -g noc -s /bin/bash -d /home/noc -m noc passwd noc << __EOF__ thenocproject thenocproject __EOF__ fi ## ## Install base packages ## aptinstall less aptinstall telnet aptinstall tcpdump aptinstall python aptinstall python-dev aptinstall python-virtualenv aptinstall libgmp10 aptinstall libgmp-dev aptinstall nginx aptinstall postgresql aptinstall libpq-dev aptinstall mongodb-org aptinstall mercurial aptinstall smitools aptinstall sudo aptinstall quilt aptinstall gcc ## ## Set up Postgresql database ## info "Create PostgreSQL 'noc' user and database" su - postgres -c psql << __EOF__ CREATE USER noc SUPERUSER ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'thenocproject'; CREATE DATABASE noc WITH OWNER=noc ENCODING='UTF8' TEMPLATE template0; __EOF__ [ $? -eq 0 ] || error_exit "Failed to initialize PostgreSQL database and user" ## ## Set up mongodb user ## info "Setting MongoDB authentication" mongo noc << __EOF__ db.createUser({"user": "noc", "pwd": "thenocproject", "roles": ["readWrite", "dbAdmin"]}) __EOF__ ## ## Set up daemon autostart ## update-rc.d postgresql enable update-rc.d mongodb enable update-rc.d nginx enable ## ## Get NOC ## cd /opt || error_exit "cd /opt failed" if [ -z "$NOC_BRANCH" ]; then NOC_BRANCH=default export NOC_BRANCH fi info "Fetching NOC branch $NOC_BRANCH" hg clone -b $NOC_BRANCH -u $NOC_BRANCH https://bitbucket.org/nocproject/noc noc || error_exit "Unable to pull NOC distribution" if [ "$1" != "--no-bootstrap" ]; then info "Running bootstrap.sh" /opt/noc/share/vagrant/x86_64/Debian/7.0/bootstrap.sh || error_exit "Failed to complete bootstrap" sleep 3 echo info "NOC has been installed successfully" # Get current IP address IP=`ip addr show eth0 | grep "global eth0" | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F/ '{print $1}'` info "Follow to the NOC web interface" info "http://$IP/" info "User: admin" info "Password: admin" fi